Business Transformations OnAir: From Diving to Thriving: How Erik Hinson Transformed His Failing Business

Business Transformations OnAir features powerful interviews with business leaders on how they transformed their businesses through business coaching and personal development.

Here's the full on-demand replay of our live Business Transformations OnAir event: 

How Erik Hinson Transformed His Failing Business into a Well-Run Profit Generator that Continues to Grow

Here is what we covered with timestamps so you can jump to the section that most interests you

2:00- Situation: Growth with no profit
5:30- Key questions to identify core issues
8:30- Determining the ideal client
13:18- The process of moving away from being a "One-Minute Manager"
15:30- Developing a self-directed team
18:00- Selling to decision-makers
24:45- Networking for international businesses
32:40- Digging deeper into potential client's problems and providing value through networking
39:00- Diversifying your client portfolio
43:00- Asking the hard questions and overcoming ego
45:30- Taking absolute responsibility for your development

A HUGE thanks to Erik Hinson for sharing his business turnaround story! Erik is a model coaching client and a great example of what can be achieved in a short period of time with guidance and commitment to personal growth.